Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tonight's Class October 17, 2013

Tonight will be a great evening to do a work out to warm up then spend some time working on belt rank material to advance for and prepare for each person's test. Looking forward to seeing you.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8, 2013

Tonight's Class will be the following:

1.  Warm ups
2.  Bag workout
3.  Basics
4.  Continued work on the theories of self-defense in water.
     Preparation for a application workout next summer at the lake. This will not only be good for self-defense but also learning to control your adrenaline overload if you panic in the water, like falling overboard etc.
5.   Review 3 Positions of Breathing Exercises
      Break Falls review side, back and front
      Start to Learn Forward Rolls - Roll from knees using partner
      Proper Punching in water below surface
      Proper Kicking while standing in Water.

6.   Class will end at 8:40 this evening as I have to be in Ozark at 9:30

As always practice and if possible bring a someone, a friend etc, to join in.

Thank you for your continued interest and support in the art of Kenpo.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1, 2013

Tonight's Class will be the following:

1.  Warm ups
2.  Bag workout
3.  Basics
4.  Continued work on the theories of self-defense in water.
     Preparation for a application workout next summer at the lake. This will not only be good for self-defense but also learning to control your adrenaline overload if you panic in the water, like falling overboard etc.
5.   Belt promotion material will also be worked on in one-on-one practice. We will do this portion as I did this years ago when I first started.

As always practice and if possible bring a someone, a friend etc, to join in.

Thank you,
